Well worth a watch:Panorama-The Menopause Industry Uncovered


Latest BMS Guidance-bleeding on HRT



Ongoing bleeding problems with HRT?Please see above info.
Bleeding is extremely common if using Utrogestan so you may need to change progestogen regime.You may also need a higher dose of progestogen if on high dose oestrogen.

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Like all great things, we started small. We took a few like-minds with a shared vision—and ran with it. Today, we’ve grown into something big.

Latest BMS Statement on Testosterone

(July 2024)

There is so much misinformation out there.
‘Testosterone is not an essential hormone for women’


 Menopause Advice-where to get help

The majority of women can be offered menopause advice and HRT from their GP and do not need to see a specialist.Have a look at the useful websites I have listed to inform yourself and help decision making before you see your GP.There are many GPs in Northern Ireland offering excellent menopause care and support.There are also dedicated women’s health GP services in each trust in Northern Ireland that your GP can refer you to.

Each trust gynaecology service accepts referrals for menopause advice and has doctors with a special interest in menopause.If you have a complicated medical history, have had ineffective symptom relief on multiple preparations or have confirmed premature menopause ask your GP to refer you to your local trust.The HRT Clinic in the Mater Hospital is mainly for Belfast Trust patients.Unfortunately there are currently long waiting times in all NHS menopause clinics and patients are prioritised by clinical need.


The good news is most combined HRT preparations including patches and tablets are available again however due to increased demand for some preparations there may be delays in obtaining supplies.

Please see latest update from the British Menopause Society on their website.

Useful videos byBMS menopause specialists

British Menopause Society response to Davina documentary May 2022

Twitter poster selfie to support the lovely ladies at #KnowYourMenopause #pausitivity- raising menopause awareness with these great posters.Download at www.pausitivity.co.uk